What happens in a fraction of second

Not thinking at all and I suppose looking forward to my movie. I guess that if I had contemplated the idea I may have thought there was the chance that I may have bumped into them on. But why do I feel bad about trying to avoid them. Possibly because I may have known that I would have ended up in a chat that could have put myself in more of an embarrassing situation so instead my subconscious kicked in and split second thought to avoid the situation all together would be good.

With a seconds thought I could have been a little bit more friendly and stayed with them, but then when I heard someone say that the, ahhhh G, like because I was going to watch a movie on my own, I was some kind of sad case. But so what – I don’t mind going on my own. Is it so bad. I don’t think so.

But that was not in my thoughts. I just immediately felt a little bad and crossed the road. Hey who cares, it does not bother me, but should it bother me and yes it does bother me. I would have liked to have been thinking that way at the time and still have the gonades to talk to them and let things be as they are. I think I should have motto called breathe, think and be fearless. May be this will instil some courage I could work up to.

And for Saturday uptown, breakfast at Imperial then into Exeter and then down to the fete where I watched Dani do her Gymnastics, had a bit of Cider and enjoyed the ladies singing the golden oldies. I am sure it was in me to start chatting but I could not be arssed. I was pleasant enough. People for some reason felt comfortable talking to myself and I really should stop laughing or come out with more verbal words.

Sunday was easy going. Made up JW’s shelf and I still have a table to do. A decision made fully, to go buy McD’s and then go down to the Argos, Wow how I could have been doing even more. Still. Don’t need to break myself, it was great just taking the time to do it and I am sure the most joyful experience am from initially having the plan in my head and then following it through without any problems. But it is great to be in the frame of mind that you can let go of any problem if you want to.

Dani went out riding with Sophie down past double locks and came back exhausted and in tears and not feeling good. Obviously not used to that amount of cycling.
